Are small grants worth the effort?
A nonprofit client approached us with an interesting question: Is it worth my while to go after small grants (around $1,000 to $10,000)...
A nonprofit client approached us with an interesting question: Is it worth my while to go after small grants (around $1,000 to $10,000)...
The grant writing world is wide and diverse. There are scores of funders, foundations, and groups seeking funding for all manner of activities....
Grant writing can be a lucrative endeavor for organizations seeking funding to support their programs and initiatives. However, determining how much to pay...
Nonprofits often view grant writing as an inevitable part of running a nonprofit. As soon as that 501(c)(3) letter arrives from the IRS,...
Organizations looking to hire a grant writer all ask the same question: How much can I expect to pay for professional help? Applicants...
Grant writing success is the unicorn of the nonprofit world. Any experienced grant writer knows well the frustrations, struggles, and challenges that come...
Many newly established organizations (and established entities that have never written grants) are in the dark about what is involved in grant writing...
Grant writing is extremely competitive; even the best prepared organizations often fail. To increase your chances of success, here are four common grant...
Too many new nonprofits look to hire a grant writer before they're ready to write grants. Or they try to hire grant writers...
Many nonprofits are excited to get started with grant writing. They're working under the assumption that as soon as they get out the...